Oversize cargo/project cargo carriage

UTrans Logistics OÜ specialises in the provision of the services of transportation of project and oversize cargo. Our experience in the field of multimodal transportation amounts to 20 years and enables us to provide our customers with the best possible schemes and routes of transportation via any world ports, using a wide agent network throughout the world.
Heavyweight oversize cargo transportation is meant for:
• road construction machinery;
• agricultural machinery;
• industrial construction machinery;
• mining machinery, etc
UTrans Logistics OÜ has been providing the services of transportation of heavyweight oversize cargo for 20 years via different Estonian ports.
The management of complex large-scale transportation projects requires the availability of experienced and highly qualified staff, whose range of tasks and expertise includes the study of potential difficulties as well as being able to take action fast.
Our approach is constituted as the provision of transportation services in the field of transport logistics on a step-by step basis, providing the ability to immediately check every single stage of the project.
The success of our company in the field of maintaining project cargos is based on the understanding of the needs and requirements of our customers. Our experts study the requirements within the project in detail and guarantee strict adherence to the terms of delivery and other requirements, including safety, established by the customer.
Our experts will select the most appropriate type of transportation and develop the route, with due consideration of all of the peculiarities and specifications of your cargo.
• UTrans Logistics OÜ provides the services of transportation of project and oversize cargos, including:
• Providing consulting services to customers concerning the transportation of goods
• Selecting the best route
• Budget calculation and planning project logistics
• organisation of transportation with the help of special motor transport, special railway platforms, and/or the vessels that are fitted with the equipment that is needed for special kinds of transportation;
Our experts will select the most appropriate type of transportation and develop the route, with due consideration of all of the peculiarities and specifications of your cargo.
• organisation of loading-unloading operations in ports and at railheads;
• coordinating transportation routes, obtaining entry permits;
• cargo escorting services;
• developing and coordinating railway routes and projects;
• chartering ships for sea transportation;
• air charter for heavyweight and oversize cargos;
• consolidation, packaging, and containerisation;
• tracking cargos from the moment of their receipt at the customer´s warehouse up to the point of their delivery to the door of the recipient;
• barging;
• acceptance and expert quality and quantity assessment before dispatch at any shipping port;
• customs and shipping documents;
• transport insurance.